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March 11th, 2024

Helping Our Younger Generation Understand Organ Transplant and Donation

In a perfect world, everyone would sign up to be an organ donor, but unfortunately, we live in a beautifully imperfect world. How old were you when you learned about organ transplant or donation? Perhaps, when you were sixteen and went to get your driver’s license, you were asked the all-important question, “Would you like to be an organ donor?” Did you know that the question was coming, or had you planned on how you would answer? From personal experience, I can say that I had no idea it was coming. Of course, I answered yes because it sounded like a great idea or a way to help, but I had no inkling of what I had just signed up for. I was never taught in my driver’s ed class or any other time at school about organ transplants or becoming an organ donor.

So, how do we change this? How do we educate and promote organ donation and transplantation to kids and young adults? To start, it’s pretty easy; Donate Life South Carolina has collaborated with health and education partners throughout the state to provide resource materials to support teachers and engage students ranging from middle through high school. Donate Life South Carolina also ensures that awareness and education don’t stop at the high school level. They stay active on college campuses with campaign challenges that also educate and promote organ and tissue donation.

Simply visit, and under the “Learn More” tab at the top of the web page, there is a “Classroom Resources” section that you can select. Once there, you can choose whether you are the teacher or the student. If you are the teacher, simply set up a login by emailing Tracy Moore. Also, on the same page, if you continue to scroll down, you will see active links for Donate Life SC’s partners in donation and transplantation education.

So, I’m happy to say that the lack of information or resources to educate our younger generation about organ transplant and donation is a thing of the past. Help GTS and all of our partners in the Organ Transplant Community…#FosteringTheMission!

Helping Our Younger Generation Understand Organ Transplant and Donation